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and think teleportation animation would be cool... pls

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I will probably use this for his dodge animation, I played around with some phasing or spooky floating, but nothing suits him well enough

What does (WIP) stand for?

WIP stands for Work In Progress. I've been struggling to find a good attack and dodge/ dash/ teleport animation for him, which is why it is taking so long

What is the license? Can it be used in commercial games?

Free to use, though I would appreciate a reference to it! Thank you

Well, I'm subscribing, if only for future animations on this guy. Very smooth walk cycle; I have high hopes!

Thank you so much for being my first commentor, I was working on some hit and death animations for him today and I am very excited to show them very soon! I'll probably release them alongside his head Portrait